
Thursday, April 18, 2013

What I'm Lovin'

Thank you for visiting. I now have a new home at I hope you will find me there.

My heart is very heavy this week. I am praying for Boston, and most recently the victims of the West, Texas fertilizer plant explosion.  I can’t even begin to imagine what the directly affected individuals are going through. However, I am continually amazed after tragedies like these, how resilient the human spirit is. I am reminded by this very fitting quote by Mr. Rogers, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” That quote proved to be true this week. Some heroic images came out of Boston showing the many volunteers, and emergency personnel stepping up to the plate and helping the victims on-site. Directly after the Boston bombings, my Facebook feed lit up with people wanting to help. They showed support by running for Boston on April 17, and they rallied together to send donations to Boston. Living in Texas, I have also noticed overnight how many people were willing to go out of their way to collect donations for the victims of the plant explosion. These acts of kindness keep me inspired and motivated.

That is why this week I am loving/needing Foundation for a Better Life at is a non-profit organization fostering good behavior and random acts of kindness. In their about me section they highlight, “we believe people are basically good but sometimes just need a reminder.” They help me on a daily basis, because of the inspirational quotes that I receive from them every morning via email. I am sure that you have seen their “Pass It On” commercials, and their inspirational billboards. So if you are ever in need of inspiration, I would recommend taking a look at their website.

How do you find inspiration?

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